The Path of Hibiscus + Honouring the Sacredness of our Sexuality 🌺
Hey friends, I'll keep this post short. I'm sharing my personal + direct experiences with Hibiscus Spirit, to inspire or perhaps spark something in you. As always, I'm sharing with authenticity, compassion and love.
Hibiscus is an old friend, one that I hold dear to my heart. They are juicy, lush, vibrant, and so very sexy in their appearance and essence. Every time I sit with them, I get this warm feeling of vitality, sensuality, and deep presence in my body, allowing me to connect with my senses, joy, creativity, passion towards life and the beauty around me. They are ruled by Venus + Fire Element & Leo, associated with the feminine wisdom, mysteries of the heart + connection to the Earth, which of course makes so much sense, esp. just by looking at them, {very Leo}, as well as energetics + organ system affinities. Physically, Hibiscus acts on the pelvic region, female reproductive system, kidneys, bladder, as well as the heart + cardiovascular system.
Before I delve deeper into the teachings of Hibiscus, I would like to take a moment to say a few words regarding our sacral energy centre, which Hibiscus is connected to. Our sacral chakra, referred to as Svadhistana in Sanskrit, is located just below the belly button and represents the seat of our emotional, sexual + creative energies, as well as our inherent spiritual wisdom. This energy centre is connected to the element of water + moon, along with our kidneys, reproductive system, and sexual organs. When the sacral chakra is open and flowing freely, we experience a sense of creativity, passion, and fulfilment in many aspects of our lives, including our relationships and creative pursuits. We have the ability to express our needs with clarity, form loving boundaries, and cultivate balanced, harmonious, and loving relationships with ourselves as well as with those around us. An imbalanced or blocked chakra holds stagnant energy, which can affect our emotional wellbeing, behaviour and physical health, leading to many issues such as lower back pain, kidney problems, or even depression or anxiety. This imbalance can leave us feeling shut off and disconnected from our emotions and from others, isolation and a lack of fulfilment in our lives + work, fear of change, poor boundaries or engaging in unhealthy situations. There are many ways to initiate the healing of our sacral chakra, and one can be by acknowledging that our entire being deserves love and support, some mindfulness practices, reflecting on our past and present relationships, loving affirmations or working with flower essences.
Now, back to Hibiscus :) She has been very persistent this year, coming through to remind us just how powerful our sacral and sexual energy is, and to support us collectively in healing our sexual energy and guiding us back into a state of innocence, purity, deeper self love and respect. Your body is a temple, literally, and it is important to recognise that sexual energy is sacred in nature. Whatever we allow into our sacred portals, has an impact on our energy, mind, body and spirit. Hibiscus reminds us of our divinity, beauty and the sacredness of our sexual energy which needs to be honoured and revered. Hibiscus can help bring out the shadowy aspects related to sexual energy, especially when past trauma has caused inversion, distortion, or stagnancy in this sacred energy center. These imbalances can impact how we relate to others, how we use our sexual energy, as well as lead to feelings of fear regarding intimacy, or even result in an unhealthy relationships dynamics, and of course have an impact on our physical heath. Hibiscus aids in examining and healing any pain or wounds that might have led to blockages in sacral energy center, addresses areas where we may struggle with intimacy and self expression, helping us in reclaiming our power, confidence and sexuality.
They are a beautiful ally for healing wounds that are often deeply tied to past traumas, instances of abuse, and the societal conditioning that has cast distortions about the feminine essence and sexuality. I think we can all agree that the feminine has been under relentless attack for eons. The exploitation of female sexuality is as a profound violation of women, creating a deep wound in the psyche that severs connection to our sexuality as well as to our heart and a deeper feeling of love. Hibiscus encourages us to restore a healthy sexuality by recognising when we are driven by desires for mere physical gratification, while also helping with the integration of our primal instincts. Ultimately, Hibiscus guides us toward a love that transcends physical desires and begins to foster a deeper emotional and spiritual connection among ourselves and each other.
Hibiscus can also be supportive to men seeking to nurture the feminine aspects within themselves. I have seen some beautiful results with the flower essence of hibiscus alongside other practices.
During my communion with Hibiscus, she revealed to me where this sacred energy has been misused, manipulated, or inverted, taking me back to a younger version of myself. In that reflective moment, I contemplated the times when I abandoned myself and willingly gave my sexual energy away to others. These were the wounded parts of me that desperately needed love and sought external validation and acceptance from sources outside of myself. It hasn’t been the most comfortable time, I must say, as I have been facing some of the more shadowy aspects of my past, taking the necessary time to sit with the discomfort, grief, and even shame that needed to rise to the surface in order to be alchemized . I often say that everything we have experienced in life serves as an essential ingredient in our awakening and evolution. I have been going through some health challenges past three years, particularly concerning my womb. During the summer, I also developed a kidney infection that was quite intense. I spent loads of time by the sea this year and in the presence of Hibiscus, which has been beautifully healing, especially when it comes to my sacral energy, water element, and of course my Moon + Venus, which in summary are all about reproductive health + kidneys, nurturing + supportive relationships, emotional stability, creative expression, and capacity to experience joy, pleasure and beauty in our daily life.
This year has been challenging in many ways, yet it has also made me grow. I journeyed to beautiful places , sat in ceremonies with wonderful humans, and experienced profound support. I took some time away from my phone, social media, and Plant Magician. During this period, I also felt a strong calling to sit quietly with the plants and create medicines for myself. Engaging in rituals and practices that anchored me was so important, allowing me to find peace, deeper love, and compassion to myself.
During this darker time of the year, I am embracing the invitation to slow down and deepen my connection with the Spirit, devoting myself fully to spiritual practices and the Divine Mother and Father.
In magic, with reverence and love,
Kas x